Structural Properties of Some Alkali Metal Hydrides at High Temperature and Pressure
V. Thakre and S. Singh
Department of Physics, Barkatullah University, Bhopal-462026, India
Received: January 21, 2014; In final form: April 10, 2017
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In this paper we have developed a realistic interaction potential model to study the high pressure phase transition of ionic alkali-metal compounds KH and NaH, having B1 structure at room temperature. We have theoretically investigated phase transition pressures and volume collapses of KH and NaH at high temperatures, and found results well suited with available experimental data. The elastic constants and their pressure derivatives are reported first time. The thermodynamical properties of B1 phase of KH and NaH are also predicted. The inclusion of temperature effect in TBIP makes the present model realistic and suitable for theoretical high-pressure studies.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.133.186
Topics: hydrides, phase transition, three-body interaction, volume collapse, elastic constants, cohesive energy