Design of a Laboratory Unit Air-Conditioning System with Matlab/Simulink Software
N. Koçyiğita and M.E. Şahinb
aRTE University, Energy Systems Engineering Department, Rize, Turkey
bRTE University, Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department, Rize, Turkey
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In this study, design of an electronic air-conditioning system was carried out using Matlab/Simulink software. The air-conditioning system was designed as a laboratory experimental setup. The aim of this study was to revise and to reuse an outdated air-conditioning laboratory unit, by using improved methods. General equations were defined separately for each part and cell of this air conditioning system. Using these equations Matlab/Simulink models for every component were created. The Matlab/Simulink models were combined and verified with theoretical results. The simulation results show that theoretical results are compatible with the simulation results. These results were tested for input and output air enthalpy values and for humidity values. In addition, air mass flow rates for the number of different fan speeds were compared. The coherent simulation results showed that the general model of the air conditioning system, designed in Matlab/Simulink, behaves correctly. This model will be used in the future studies for comparison of real system results with simulation results.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.132.839
PACS numbers: 07.05.Tp, 07.20.-n, 07.20.Mc