Radiation Degradation of Bipolar Transistor Current Gain |
S.A. Miskiewicz a, A.F. Komarov a, F.F. Komarova, G.M. Zayats b and S.A. Soroka c
aInstitute of Applied Physics Problems, 7 Kurchatov Str., 220045 Minsk, Belarus bInstitute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 11 Surganov Str., 220072 Minsk, Belarus cBelmicrosystems, Integral, 121 Kazintsa Str., 220108 Minsk, Belarus |
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Spatial distribution of nonequilibrium minority charge carriers in bipolar transistors before and during the radiation exposure is described. Radiation-induced changes in the input and output characteristics and the current gain under the 60Co 1.2 MeV γ -rays were calculated. It was shown that the collector current and current gain steadily fall due to irradiation in the considered range in the dose range 0-7×105 rad. The simulation results correlate well with the experimental data obtained at the Research and Production Corporation "Integral". |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.132.288 topics: radiation, numerical simulation, bipolar transistors, lifetime, minority charge carriers, recombination, current gain |