Impact of Vanadium(IV)-Oxy Acetylacetonate and Vanadium(III) Acetylacetonatel on the DPPC Liposome Membranes: EPR Studies
D. Man, I. Mrówka, A. Wójcik and B. Pytel
Institute of Physics, Opole University, Oleska 48, 45-052 Opole, Poland
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The effect of vanadium (IV)-oxy acetylacetonate (V4) and vanadium(III) acetylacetonate (V3) on the liposome membranes formed of synthetic lecithin (DPPC) was presented in this paper. Liposomes were formed during the sonication of DPPC lecithin in an aqueous medium. The concentration of the vanadium compounds changed in the range of 0% to 2.4% in molar ratio to the lecithin. The EPR technique made use of three spin probes penetrating the different areas of the membrane (as follows: TEMPO, 16-DOXYL stearic acid methyl ester, stearic acid 5-DOXYL methyl ester). TEMPO probe penetrates the interphase water-lipid (partition parameter F), the probe 16-DOXYL locates in the middle of the lipid bilayer (rotational correlation time τ), the probe 5-DOXYL gives a picture of membrane fluidity (the order parameter) just below the polar head groups. The results of our research showed the following conclusions. The change of membrane fluidity, as a function of admixture concentration, was dependent on the type of additives. TEMPO probe recorded an increase in liquidity interphase water-lipid for both admixtures: V3 and V4. 16-DOXYL probe indicated that the admixture V3 increases the fluidity in the center of the lipid bilayer. Admixture V4 significantly less impacted on the change of the membrane middle. The 5-DOXYL probe did not influence on the membrane surface portion, there were not observed significant changes under the impact of admixtures. V3 showed stronger impact on membrane fluidity.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.132.52
PACS numbers: 87.16.Dg,, 87.80.Lg