Externally Liquid-Filled Photonic Crystal Fibers with High Output Intensity and Low Confinement Loss
M. Hosseinpour and A. Zendehnam
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Arak University, P.O. Box 38156-8-8349, Arak, Iran
Received: April 13, 2015; In final form: April 4, 2017
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In this study, a Gaussian function is used to approximate the output intensity profiles of the externally liquid-filled photonic crystal fibers with various configurations. By decreasing the diameters of the five outer rings of the proposed photonic crystal fibers, the output intensity values are shown to be considerably increased for all of the studied configurations. A very high output intensity value with very low confinement loss (roughly 0 dB/m) can be achieved at λ = 1.55 μm by an appropriate design for the externally liquid-filled PCF with nanostructure.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.131.1431
PACS numbers: 42.81.-i, 42.81.Pa, 42.15.Eq