Thermopower and Hardness Characterization of Structural Relaxation and Crystallization in FINEMET Type Amorphous Precursor Alloy |
K. Bán a, A. Szabóa,b, R. Ipach a and B. Szabó a
aDepartment of Automobiles and Vehicle Manufacturing, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Stoczek Str. 6, 1111 Budapest, Hungary bInstitute of Engineering, University of Dunaujvaros, Tancsics M. Str. 1/a, 2401 Dunaujvaros, Hungary |
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In this paper, the thermopower (U) and hardness (HV) of FINEMET type glasses are studied during structural relaxation and beyond the crystallization onset. In this multicomponent alloy (Fe73.5-xSi13.5B9NbxCu1) both property changes are more complex than that in binary Fe-B glasses. The phenomenon of relaxation and the crystallization onset can be successfully distinguished in both property changes. Simultaneously with the hardness increase, a slope increase in the thermopower versus temperature dependences was observed if crystallization started. The character of both property changes does alter drastically at the beginning of amorphous-nanocrystalline transformation. Similar trends were measured on samples undergoing traditional isothermal and pulse heat treatments. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.131.702 PACS numbers: 61.43.Dq, 72.15.Jf |