Magnetic Properties of Synthetic Gehlenite Glass Microspheres |
M. Majerováa, A. Dvurečenskij a, A. Cigáň a, M. Škrátek a, A. Prnová b, J. Kraxner b, D. Galusek b and J. Maňka a
aDepartment of Magnetometry, Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia bVitrum Laugaricio - Joint Glass Center of the IIC SAS, TnU AD, FCHTP STU and Rona, a.s., Študenstská 2, 911 50 Trenčín, Slovakia |
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In the paper, gehlenite amorphous microspheres were prepared by the flame synthesis of a powder precursor. In the first step, the precursor was prepared from a stoichiometric mixture of CaCO3, Al2O3 and SiO2 by a standard solid-state reaction method. Next, the precursor was sprayed into a CH4-O2 flame with the temperature of around 2200°C and molten droplets of synthetic gehlenite were rapidly cooled by distilled water. Structural and detailed magnetic properties were studied by the optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction and QD SQUID magnetometer. The gehlenite microspheres show a complex magnetic behaviour that is a function of the temperature and the magnetic field, e.g. diamagnetism and paramagnetism at 300 K and 2 K, respectively. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.131.699 PACS numbers: 81.05.Kf, 75.50.Kj, 91.60.Pn, 75.20.-g, 75.50.Lk |