Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Algerian Tamazarte Kaolin by Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA)
F. Sahnounea, M. Heraiza, H. Belhoucheta,b, N. Sahebc and D. Redaouia
aPhysics and Chemistry of Materials Lab, Department of Physics, University of M'sila, 28000, M'sila, Algeria
bLaboratoire des Matériaux non Métalliques, I. O. M. P, Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1, 19000, Sétif, Algérie
cDepartments of Mechanical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dahran, 31261, Saudi Arabia
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In the present study, the kinetics of meta-kaolinite (Al2O3·2SiO2) formation from Algerian Tamazarte kaolin was investigated by using differential thermal analysis. The differential thermal analysis and the thermogravimetric experiments were carried out on samples between room temperature and 1400°C, at heating rates from 10 to 40°C min-1. X-ray diffraction was used to identify the phases present in the samples. The activation energies measured by differential thermal analysis from isothermal and non-isothermal treatments using Johnson-Mehl-Avrami methods with Ligero approximation and using Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose methods were around 145 and 159 kJ/mol, respectively. The Avrami parameter n which indicates the growth morphology parameters were found to be almost equal to 1.60, using non-isothermal treatments, and equal to 1.47 using isothermal treatments. The numerical factor which depends on the dimensionality of crystal growth was 1.60 obtained using Matusita et al. equation. The frequency factor calculated using the isothermal treatment is equal to 1.173× 107 s-1. Analysis of the results have shown that bulk nucleation was dominant during kaolinite transformation, followed by three-dimensional growth of meta-kaolinite with polyhedron-like morphology, controlled by diffusion from a constant number of nuclei.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.131.382
PACS numbers: 82.30.Lp, 81.05.Je, 81.05.Mh, 81.70.Pg