Exact Solutions and Optical Soliton Solutions of the Nonlinear Biswas-Milovic Equation with Dual-Power Law Nonlinearity
E.M.E. Zayeda and A.-G. Al-Nowehyb,c
aDepartment of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
bDepartment of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Roxy, Hiliopolis, Cairo, Egypt
cDepartment of Mathematics, Faculty of Education and Science, Taiz University, Taiz, Yemen
Received: May 9, 2016; In final form: January 16, 2017
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In this article, we apply two mathematical tools, namely the first integral method and the rational (G'/G)-expansion method to construct the exact solutions with parameters of the nonlinear Biswas-Milovic equation with dual-power law nonlinearity. When these parameters take special values, the solitary wave solutions are derived from the exact solutions. We compare between the results yielding from these integration tools. A comparison between our results in this paper and the well-known results is also given.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.131.240
PACS numbers/topics: first integral method, rational (G'/G)-expansion method, Biswas-Milovic equation, solitary wave solutions, exact solutions and optical soliton solutions