Vibrating Subsystems of Freight Wagons and Their Beam Models |
A. Buchacz
Silesian Technical University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering Processes Automation and Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland |
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The application of analysis of transverse vibrating subsystem of complex microelectromechanical systems by means of the exact and approximate methods were the main purposes of work to solve the task of assignment of frequency-modal analysis and characteristics of mechatronic system. The problems concerned of piezoelectricity and electrostriction and classical and nonclassical methods to solve this problem have been used to obtain the dynamical characteristics in the Gliwice Research Centre. Other diverse problems have been modeled by different methods and next they were examined and analysed. Analysing the diagrams of characteristics of confirmed system, it has been determined that in case of approximate method the resonance frequencies cover with those which have been determined with the exact method. However the values of the characteristic in other areas were different. The main aim of this paper is to compare the transients of characteristics of mechanical subsystem of the transverse vibrating discrete - continuous mechatronic system, obtained by the exact and the approximate Galerkin method and to answer the question - if the method can be used to nominate the characteristics of mechatronic systems. The main subject of deliberation was to determine the flexibility of the mechanical system with constant cross-section using the exact and the Galerkin method. The problems presented in this paper, that means the analysis of subsystem of mechatronic and mechanical complex systems, is however the introduction to the synthesis of transverse vibrating mechatronic systems with assumed frequency spectrum. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.131.62 PACS numbers: 81.05.-t |