Dendrite Growth in Selector-Root Area of Single Crystal CMSX-4 Turbine Blades
W. Bogdanowicz a, A. Tondos a, J. Krawczyk a, R. Albrecht a and J. Sieniawski b
aUniversity of Silesia, Institute of Materials Science, 75 Pułku Piechoty 1A, 41-500 Chorzów, Poland
bRzeszów University of Technology, Department of Materials Science, W. Pola 2, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
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The single crystal turbine blades made of CMSX-4 nickel-based superalloy were studied. The turbine blades were obtained by the Bridgman technique with withdrawal rate of 5 mm/min. The samples, cut-off from root part of blades and containing the fragment of the selector, were studied. The effect of selector geometry on the dendrites growth and defects formation in the selector-root area of the blade were analyzed. The Laue diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction topography were applied. It was found that, during crystallization of the selector, the dendrite cores, after reaching the surface of mould, may bend, if the angle between dendrite cores and the mould surface was equal to 12°. When the angle was equal to 24° the growth of dendrites has been stopped. It can be stated that the defects, which appeared in the selector were inherited by the root part.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.130.1107
PACS numbers: 61.66.Dk, 61.72.-y, 61.10.Nz