Structure and Corrosion Resistance of Nickel-Molybdenum Alloy Coatings |
M. Popczyk, M. Zacharz, P. Osak, G. Dercz and B. Łosiewicz
Institute of Materials Science, University of Silesia, 75 Pułku Piechoty 1A, 41-500 Chorzów, Poland |
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Electrolytic Ni-Mo alloy coatings were obtained from the galvanic bath, at the temperature of T= 60°C under galvanostatic conditions using a cathodic current density of j= 80 mA cm-2. Surface morphology was studied using a scanning electron microscopy. Chemical composition of obtained coatings was determined by the energy dispersive spectroscopy. Structural studies were carried out using an X-ray diffraction method. Electrochemical corrosion resistance tests were carried out in 5% NaCl solution. It was found that X-ray diffraction investigations of all obtained coatings showed the characteristic "halo", which suggests that the obtained deposits have an amorphous structure. Chemical composition and corrosion resistance of the electrolytic Ni-Mo coatings depend on the concentration of Na2MoO4· 2H2O in a galvanic bath. With the increase of the molybdenum content in the alloy coatings, their corrosion resistance increases. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.130.1072 PACS numbers: 81.15.-z, 82.45.Qr, 82.45.Bb |