Study of the Structure and Thermal Properties of Intermetallics from Fe-Al System
A. Śmiglewicz M. Jabłońska, K. Rodak and A. Tomaszewska
Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Z. Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland
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Selected alloys from the Fe-Al system are included into a group of materials on a matrix of intermetallic phases, and characteristic properties result from it and they constitute a resultant between properties of superalloys and ceramic materials. These materials are characterized, inter alia, by capacity for operating at elevated temperatures, as well as good strength related properties and resistance to oxidation and corrosion at an increased temperature. In addition, a low cost of alloy components and low density caused by aluminium content are their advantages. The basic reasons limiting application of alloys from Fe-Al system as construction materials are current: their low plasticity at room temperature, propensity for brittle cracking, low resistance at elevated temperature, and insufficient creep resistance. This unfavorable characteristics may be improved by adding to alloys such elements as molybdenum, zirconium, carbon, and boron, reducing the size of grains, increasing their purity, stabilizing the solid solution, and causing changes in phase transition temperatures. These alloys may be successfully manufactured by classic melting accompanied with refinement remelting, and ingot casting. In spite of additions and microadditions, grain refining of the initial structure of ingots manufactured in that way is rarely achieved, mainly because of low castability and high casting contraction. In this work we presented the results of structure analysis and investigations of the dilatometric study alloys on the base Fe-Al system. The alloys were obtained by classic casting technique. The studies were carried out on samples after casting and annealing. The phase transformation and thermal expansion investigations of the alloys from Fe-Al system with concentration of Fe-58Al were presented. The linear thermal expansion α was calculated by standard method. The α coefficient was noticed as a temperature function.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.130.1004
PACS numbers: 81.70.Pg, 65.40.De, 65.60.+a, 07.20.-n