Investigation of the Radon Levels in Groundwater and Thermal Springs of Pamukkale Region
F. Kulalı a, I. Akkurt a and N. Özgür b
aSuleyman Demirel University, Science and Art Faculty, Isparta, Turkey
bSuleyman Demirel University, Department of Geological Engineering, Isparta, Turkey
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Radon, which is the largest source of natural ionizing radiation, reaches surface as gas form: or solvated in the ground water. Emanation of radon can has a profile which is disposed to increase or decrease depending on the effects of meteorological events or crust movements. Pamukkale, which was involved previously in the world heritage list of UNESCO, and the surrounding area have many groundwater and thermal springs that carry dissolved radon to surface. The aim of this study was to investigate the variations of radon in the water samples of the region.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.130.496
PACS numbers: 92.40.Kf, 92.40.Qk, 01.50.My