Characterisation of the Ancient City of Teos Western Necropolis Sherd Samples |
R.T. Polata, A. Tunalıb
aAnadolu University, Literature Faculty, Department of Archaeology, 26470 Eskişehir, Turkey bAyşe Tunalı, Eczacibasi Building Products Co. VitrA Innovation Center, Bozuyuk, Bilecik, Turkey |
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Ancient city of Teos, one of the Ionian Religion Cities, is located in Sığacık district, Seferihisar Province in Izmir. The city was inhabited from Protogeometric period. The ancient city which has sheltered two harbors, due to its geographical position as a major trading center in the early emerges. Phokaia has been north of the city, Miletus has been south of the city, Samos and Khios Island have been in Ionian Cities. In this study, rescue excavations carried out by Izmir archaeological Museum in west and northwest of the city between 2013 and 2014. One of the necropolis is in the city as crow flies 1.1 km northwest, the other necropolis is located 1 km west of the city. This study will be dealt with the characterisation of clay and sherd samples which are obtained by necropolis. Samples from west and northwest of the necropolis of Teos City have been characterised by X-ray diffraction analyses and chemical analysis X-ray fluorescence methods. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.129.521 PACS numbers: 81.05.Je |