In Situ Neutron Diffraction Characterization of Phases in Co-Re-Based Alloys at High Temperatures |
P. Strunza, D. Mukherji b, R. Gilles c, U. Gasser d, P. Beran a, G. Farkas e, M. Hofmann c, L. Karge c and J. Rösler b
aNuclear Physics Institute ASCR, Řež near Prague, CZ-25068, Czech Republic bTU Braunschweig, Institut für Werkstoffe, Braunschweig, Germany cTU München, Forschungs Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz, Garching, Germany dLaboratory for Neutron Scattering, PSI, Villigen, Switzerland eCharles University in Prague, Department of Physics of Materials, Prague, Czech Republic |
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Co-Re-based alloys strengthened by carbides are promising candidates for new high-temperature alloys for gas turbine applications. The high temperature microstructure and its stability are of utmost importance, e.g. due to strengthening-phase selection. Neutron scattering, providing in situ information at high temperatures, was extensively used in the past for the Co-Re alloys research. The paper focuses on TaC strengthened alloy, particularly on the stability TaC precipitates which were previously shown not to dissolve up to at least 1300°C. Small-angle neutron scattering shows that its finer morphological variant - most suitable for high temperature strengthening - coarsened even at relatively low temperature of 1000°C. This coarsening is faster at higher temperatures and the mean size exceeded 1000 Å (i.e. the size - detection limit of the used facility) after 4 h hold at 1200°C. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.128.684 PACS numbers: 61.05.fg, 61.66.Dk |