Thermal Stability and Mechanism of Thermally Induced Crystallization of Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si15.5B7 Amorphous Alloy |
M.M. Vasić a, D.M. Minić b, V.A. Blagojević c, T. Žák d, N. Pizúrová d, B. David d and D.M. Miniće
aFaculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia bMilitary Technical Institute, Belgrade, Serbia cInstitute of Technical Sciences of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia dInstitute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Brno, Czech Republic eDepartment of Biochemical Sciences, State University in Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia |
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Investigation of thermal stability of the alloy revealed stepwise crystallization process, manifested by two distinct complex exothermic peaks in differential scanning calorimetry curves. Kinetic parameters of individual crystallization steps were found using the Kissinger and Vyazovkin methods. Structural characterization of thermally treated samples showed formation of different iron-based phases including α-Fe(Si), Fe2B, Fe16Nb6Si7 and Fe2Si and some metastable intermediary species. Morphology characterization of the surface and cross-section of the thermally treated samples showed granulated structure composed of several different phases and indicated occurrence of impingement effects during crystal growth. Value of estimated lifetime suggested very high stability against crystallization at room temperature and abrupt decrease of lifetime with temperature increase. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.128.657 PACS numbers: 64.70.dg, 64.70.kd, |