Dependence of Impact Resistance of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete on Aggregate Origin
G.İ. Sezer, Ş. Yazıcı and A. Sezer
Ege University, Civil Engineering Department, İzmir, Turkey
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In this study, the effect of aggregate origin on impact resistance of steel fiber reinforced concrete was investigated. Using gravel-sized limestone, basalt and natural aggregates of 20 mm of maximum size, normal and steel fiber reinforced concretes were produced. Water/cement ratio and cement dosage of concrete mixtures were 0.5 and 400 kg/m3, respectively. It should be noted that superplasticizer and steel fibers were used in concrete production. Hooked-end bundled steel fibers with l/d ratio of 65 and 1.0% fiber volume were used. After 28 days standard curing, compressive strength, split tensile strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity tests were performed on 150× 150× 150 mm3 cube specimens. Additionally, impact resistances of concrete specimens were determined using impact test apparatus described in ACI Committee 544. Φ150× 300 mm3 cylinders were prepared for impact resistance tests. After 28 days curing, these specimens were cut into Φ150×64 mm3 dimension. Impact resistance tests were performed on these specimens. Experimental results were evaluated in terms of steel fiber presence and aggregate origin.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.128.B-37
PACS numbers: 81.05.Ni, 81.05.Lg