Invasive vs. Non-Invasive Methods in Estimating Slope Stability, with Application in the Copou Area, Iaşi, Romania |
F. Pascariu, C. Negru, M.R. Şaramet and C. Chelariu
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Department of Geology, Iaşi, Romania |
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Slope stability analysis represents nowadays a constant pursuit, being applied in various domains, such as geological and geomorphological studies, civil engineering or urban expansion. In this paper, two different methods were employed in order to establish the stability of the Copou Hill, Iaşi, Romania, and the results were compared. The first, non-invasive, method involves obtaining a landslide risk map by identifying the factors that induce the slope failure and overlaying the obtained maps. The second one, invasive, implies computing a safety factor using the infinite slope method, employing well data from this area and ranging the thickness of the water column. This comparison was made in order to improve the non-invasive method, so as to apply it in areas where there is no geological information. The resulting landslide risk map shows values of the average coefficient Km ranging between 0.21 and 0.63, implying a medium to high failure probability for the studied slope. On the other hand, the infinite slope method indicates a safety factor with values between 0.91 and 1.49, at a complete flooding of the land-sliding lithological column, with a single exception with much lower value. These values are below the admissible factor, suggesting failure with a medium to high probability. Comparing these two methods, significant similarities between the landslide risk map results and the computed safety factors can be observed. For further testing of the first method, similar studies should also be made in other areas. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.128.B-193 PACS numbers: 91.30.pd, 91.62.Ty, 92.40.Ha |