Developing Hardware and Software Appropriate to Phototrichogram Method |
İ.S. Üncüa and O. Köseb
aSüleyman Demirel University, Technology Faculty, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Isparta, Turkey bSüleyman Demirel University, Graduate School of Applied and Natural Sciences, Electronic and Computer Education Department, Isparta, Turkey |
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Visual method of hair analysis in medicine is called phototrichogrametry. Method is based on the interpretation of two image showing the physical changes of the hair. The photos are taken in green light, exposing both thin and thick hairs. By the help of the software the density of facial hair is determined and intensity of growth is assessed. Length increment can be approximately determined also. standardization, objectivity, reliability, decreasing errors and saving time make this method valuable healing experiment platform. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.128.B-384 PACS numbers: 87.57.-s, 87.57.Ra |