Supercapacity of Soft-Expanded Graphite in Li-Intercalational Electric Current Generation
R.Ya. Shvets a, I.I. Grygorchak a, A.S. Kurepa a, N.T. Pokladok a, Yu.I. Sementsov b, G.I. Dovbeshko c, Ye. Sheregii d and B. Seredyuke
aLviv Polytechnic National University, Bandera Str. 12, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
bChuiko Surface Institute of Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, General Naumov str. 17, Kyiv, 03164, Ukraine
cInstitute of Physics of NAS of Ukraine, Prospect Nauky, 46, Kyiv, 03028, Ukraine
dUniversity of Rzeszów, Centre for Microelectronics and Nanotechnology, S. Pigonia 1, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
eAcademy of Land Forces named after Hetman Petro Sahajdachnyj, Faculty of Rocket Troops and Artillery, Geroiv Majdanu str. 32, Lviv 79012, Ukraine
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A microwave-intercalation modification of natural graphite which ensures its effective use as a cathode material of Li-based sources of electric current is developed. Interconnection between the parameters of modification and thermodynamic and kinetic behavior of Li-intercalation electric current generation is established. On the basis of the obtained data from impedance spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry analysis, and spectroscopy of the Raman scattering of light, the mechanism of the observed phenomena is suggested.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.128.208
PACS numbers: 81.16.Fg, 82.45.Vp