Laser Induced Quadrupole-Dipole Collisional Energy Transfer in Ca-Sr |
Z.Z. Lu, Y.L. Sun, L. Ma and J.F. Liu
School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China |
Received: February 4, 2015; In final form: April 24, 2015 |
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A laser induced quadrupole-dipole collisional energy transfer system of Ca-Sr is proposed and the four-state quadrupole-dipole laser induced collisional energy transfer model is presented. The excitation spectrum calculated for the Ca-Sr system is characterized by a doublet structure and a width which is about twice wider than the dipole-dipole laser induced collisional energy transfer results. Calculating results show that the full width at half peak of the profile becomes larger and the quasi-static wing tends to be a broad flat as the field intensity increases, which are different from the reported results of dipole-dipole laser induced collisional energy transfer processes, dipole-quadrupole and quadrupole-quadrupole. A cross-section of 2.48 × 10-14 cm2 at a laser field intensity of 5.21 × 107 V/m is obtained which indicates that the quadrupole-dipole process can be an effective way to transfer energy selectively. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.127.1620 PACS numbers: 32.70.Jz, 34.50.-s |