The Influence of External Pressure on Resonant Frequency of SAW Resonator
K. Jasek and M. Pasternak
Military University of Technology, S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-490 Warsaw, Poland
Received: May 12, 2014
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The results of numerical simulations and experimental measurements of surface acoustic wave resonator centre frequency and amplitude dependence on external pressure changes in the range 0-1 atm are presented in the paper. According to the analytical model as well as numerical calculations the pressure influence on the resonator centre frequency is linear. Unfortunately, in the real measurements the linearity is difficult to observe. Additional effects that modify the linear dependence of the centre frequency on pressure are caused by water particles. It is well visible especially in the low pressure range. The phenomenon can be applied for research of water contents in dry gases as well as construction of acoustoelectronic vacuometers.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.127.1601
PACS numbers: 02.60.-x, 43.35.Pt, 46.80.+j, 61.30.Hn