Effect of the Elaboration Conditions on the Structural, Morphological and Luminescence Properties of ZnO Nanopowders |
L. Araba, K. Guergourib
aLaboratoire des matériaux semiconducteurs et métalliques, Département des sciences de la matière, Université Mohamed Kheider, Biskra 07000, Algérie bDépartement de Physique, Faculté des Sciences Exactes, Université Larbi Ben M'Hidi 04000 Oum El Bouaghi, Algérie |
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Pure ZnO nanopowders were synthesized by the sol-gel method, which has several advantages, among which we include, achieving low temperature deposition and synthesis of new hybrid organo-mineral materials. The effect of the elaboration conditions (the elaboration concentrations ratio of precursors (CZ/CA), the gelling temperature (Tg) and the gelling time (tg)) on the structural, morphological and luminescence properties of ZnO nanopowders has been investigated. The chemical composition of the powders, determined by FTIR spectroscopy, indicate the exclusive presence of Zn-O bonds, as it is shown by the XRD spectra. The XRD results indicate also that the synthesized ZnO powder is a solid solution, crystallizing in pure würtzite structure with a minimum grain size of about 23 nm for the powders prepared using: CZ/CA=0.06%, Tg=130°C and Tg=4 h. The morphological aspect, given by the SEM images, revealed that the powders are made of sheets, consisting of small particles agglomerated together. The photoluminescence study of the ZnO powders shows spectra with luminescence peaks from green to ultraviolet light, the more intensive emission is connected to the peaks of the blue luminescence. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.127.940 PACS numbers: 81.05.Dz, 81.07.Wx, 81.20.Fw, 07.57.Ty, 78.55.Qr, 68.37.Hk |