Examination of the Energy Efficiency of Wall Building Elements Used in Dwellings |
I. Vural, T. Akgul, E. Aydin, F. Aydin, M. Saribiyik
Sakarya University, Technology Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, 54187, Sakarya, Turkey |
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In this study, within the scope of the number of studies related to the efficient use of energy increasing day by day, the thermal insulation performance of wall elements used in dwellings was determined using experimental methods. With this aim, a 1/3 scaled reinforced concrete structure with the complete characteristics of an actual structure, was built and the column spans were filled using six different types of wall element. These materials, widely used in dwelling production in Turkey, were applications of horizontal coring bricks, vertical coring bricks, pumice, gas concrete, block brick and a cavity wall. The interior temperature was kept constant by placing a thermal source inside the built sample construction and the temperatures for different exterior temperatures were measured with a thermocouple and camera from each wall surface. Thus, by interpreting the obtained surface temperature data, the energy efficiency of the wall types used was presented, the thermal conductivity resistance, thermal conductivity coefficient, and loss of heat as regards to TSE 825 were calculated and accordingly, the thermal conductivity performances of walls were compared. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.127.1417 PACS numbers: 81 |