Q-Entropy Approach to Selecting High Income Households
K. Gajowniczek, K. Karpio, P. Łukasiewicz, A. Orłowski, and T. Ząbkowski
Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics, WULS-SGGW, Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776, Warsaw, Poland
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A generalized algorithm for building classification trees, based on Tsallis q-entropy, is proposed and applied to classification of Polish households with respect to their incomes. Data for 2008 are used. Quality measures for obtained trees are compared for different values of q parameter. A method of choosing the optimum tree is elaborated.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.127.A-38
PACS numbers: 05.45.Tp, 05.40.Ca, 07.05.Kf, 07.05.Mh