Photoelastic Phenomena in Stressed Laser Heterostructures |
L.A. Kulakova, N.S. Averkiev and A.V. Lutetskiy
Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, 26 Polytekhnicheskaya, St Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation |
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The theoretical analysis of optical properties change in cubic crystals caused by simultaneous action of longitudinal and shear strains due to the photo-elastic interaction has been performed. The polarization characteristics change of a primary linear polarized light wave during propagation in the crystal has been studied. Results of the calculations were used to analyze photo-elastic phenomena in stressed heterostructures at the introduction of an alternating shear strain. The comparison of photo-elastic and acousto-electron phenomena in the laser heterostructures has been fulfilled. The results have been confirmed by the experiments in the InGaAs/GaAs structures at the action of shear strains excited by the ultrasonic waves. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.127.87 PACS numbers: 78.20.-e, 78.20.Bh, 78.20.hb |