Magnetic Order and Magnetic Inhomogeneities in SnCrTe-PbCrTe Solid Solutions
L. Kilanskia, M. Szymańskia,b, B. Brodowskaa, M. Górskaa, R. Szymczaka, A. Podgórnia, A. Avdonina, A. Reszkaa, B.J. Kowalskia, V. Domukhovskia, M. Arciszewskaa, W. Dobrowolskia, V.E. Slynkoc and E.I. Slynkoc
aInstitute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa, Poland
bFaculty of Materials Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Wołoska 141, 02-507 Warszawa, Poland
cInstitute of Materials Science Problems, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 5 Wilde Str., 274001 Chernovtsy, Ukraine
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We present the studies of structural, electrical and magnetic properties of bulk Sn1-x-yPbxCryTe mixed crystals with chemical composition 0.18 ≤ x ≤ 0.35 and 0.007 ≤ y ≤ 0.071. The magnetometric studies indicate that for the high Cr-content, y=0.071, the alloy shows ferromagnetic alignment with the Curie temperature, TC, around 265 K. The Cr5Te8 clusters are responsible for the ferromagnetic order. At low Cr content, y ≈ 0.01, a peak in the ac magnetic susceptibility identified as the cluster-glass-like transition is observed at a temperature about 130 K. The cluster-glass-like transition is likely due to the presence of Cr2Te3 clusters in the samples with y ≈ 0.01. The transport characterization of the samples indicated strong metallic p-type conductivity with relatively high carrier concentration, n > 1020 cm-3, and carrier mobility, μ > 150 cm2/(V s).

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.1203
PACS numbers: 72.80.Ga, 75.30.Hx, 75.30.Et, 75.50.Pp