Optical and Structural Properties of GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells Grown by MBE in the Vicinity of As-Rich-GaAs/ZnSe Heterovalent Interface
G.V. Klimko, E.A. Evropeytsev, A.A. Sitnikova, S.V. Gronin, I.V. Sedova, S.V. Sorokin and S.V. Ivanov
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Politekhnicheskaya 26, St. Petersburg 194021, Russia
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The studies of structural and optical properties of molecular beam epitaxy grown pseudomorphic hybrid structures with AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well placed closely to the GaAs/ZnSe heterointerface are presented. The interfaces were formed in different ways (Zn or Se initial GaAs surface exposure, different growth temperature and ZnSe growth mode) on As-rich c(4×4) and (2×4) GaAs surfaces. It has been demonstrated that the photoluminescence intensity from the near-heterointerface GaAs QW is influenced most significantly by the procedure of ZnSe growth initiation. The bright photoluminescence (77 K) from the near-interface GaAs quantum well is observed if the Se-decoration procedure is used during the GaAs/ZnSe heterointerface formation on (2×4)As GaAs surface. It reduces noticeably if the GaAs reconstruction changes to c(4×4)As and disappears completely when Zn pre-exposure of GaAs surface is used. These effects are discussed in terms of different ratio of Ga-Se and As-Zn bonds at the GaAs/ZnSe heterointerface resulting in different band offsets and/or uncompensated built-in electric fields.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.1184
PACS numbers: 78.66.-w, 68.65.-k, 81.15.Hi