Type I CdSe and CdMgSe Quantum Wells
R. Rudniewski, J.-G. Rousset, E. Janik, P. Kossacki, A. Golnik, M. Nawrocki and W. Pacuski
Institute of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Hoża 69, 02-681 Warszawa, Poland
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In this work we present the band gap engineering, epitaxial growth and optical characterization of CdSe/Cd0.9Mg0.1Se and Cd0.9Mg0.1Se/Cd0.85Mg0.15Se quantum wells with a thickness ranging from 1 to 15 nm. These structures exhibit strong near-band-gap photoluminescence from helium up to room temperature. The emission energy is tuned in the range from 1.74 to 2.1 eV at 7 K, depending on the thickness and well composition. The most intense photoluminescence (both at 7 and 300 K) was observed for 10 nm thick CdSe/Cd0.9Mg0.1Se wells. Such a structure gives also a sharp emission line (FWHM = 20 meV) at low temperature. The presented quantum wells are well suited for being embedded in lattice matched ZnTe based microcavities.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.1167
PACS numbers: 78.20.-e, 81.05.Dz, 81.07.-b