Mechanochemical Preparation and Properties of Nanodimensional Perovskite Materials |
Z. Cherkezova-Zheleva, D. Paneva, I. Yordanova, M. Shopska and H. Kolev
Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, "Acad. G. Bonchev" Str., Bld. 11, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria |
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The study is focused on the synthesis of LaMO3 (M = Co, Fe, Mn) perovskite materials using combination of precipitation of precursors and mechanical milling at room temperature. Physicochemical properties of products at each step of preparation were studied by powder X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy (in the middle and far regions) and X-ray photoelectron measurements. As-prepared perovskite powders are composed of nanoparticles with very fine crystallite size (about 15 nm) in all cases. The materials have also high dispersion, high extent of microstrains and high level of oxygen vacancies which is very important in relevance to their use as heterogeneous catalysts. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.916 PACS numbers: 81.07.-b, 82.80.Ej, 82.80.Pv |