Study of the Mechanochemical Reduction of Ilmenite Concentrate by Addition of Aluminum |
M. Achimovičováa,b, E. Gock a, E. Turianicová b, N.G. Kostova c, N. Velinov c, M. Kaňuchová d and P. Baláž b
aInstitute of Mineral and Waste Processing, Waste Disposal and Geomechanics, Technical University-Clausthal, Walther-Nernst 9, Clausthal, Germany bInstitute of Geotechnics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Watsonova 45, Košice, Slovakia cInstitute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. Georgi Bonchev 11, Sofia, Bulgaria dFaculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, Technical University-Košice, Letná 9, Košice, Slovakia |
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Mechanochemical reduction of ilmenite concentrate (FeTiO3) with elemental aluminum powder was performed by high-energy milling in an industrial eccentric vibratory ball mill ESM 656-0.5 ks (Siebtechnik, Germany). The mechanochemically reduced ilmenite with various times of milling was characterized by X-ray diffraction ana-lysis, which confirmed the presence of the Al2O3 and Fe2Ti phases after 120 min of milling. Thermal analysis evidenced the completion of a mechanochemical reduction during milling. After 360 min of milling, the Fe2Ti phase decomposed to α-(Fe,Ti) alloy, which was proven by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy detected the amorphous TiO phase in product after mechanochemical reduction, which is in accordance with thermodynamic prediction. Decreasing of specific surface area after 60 min of milling resulted from growing layers of the solid products of FeTiO3 mechanochemical reduction. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.867 PACS numbers: 77.84.Cg, 81.20.Wk, 81.20.Ev, 82.33.Pt |