Hyperbolic Icosahedral Tilings by Bucky-balls
R. Lücka and D. Frettlöhb
aWeilstetter Weg 16, 70567 Stuttgart, Germany
bBielefeld University, Technical Faculty, PB 100131, 33501 Bielefeld, Germany
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Hyperbolic icosahedral tilings by Bucky-balls with 4 or 8 Bucky-balls sharing a vertex are considered as an example of tilings by Archimedean polyhedra. Representation requires Poincaré balls; Colour symmetry may be derived by GAP. Colour symmetries preserving both rotation and reflection symmetry as well as only rotation symmetry are discussed.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.524
PACS numbers: 02.20.-a; 61.48.-c; 61.50.Ah; 61.44.Br