Temperature Dependence of the Switching Field in Nanocrystalline FeNiMoB Microwires
P. Kleina, R. Vargaa, M. Vazquezb
aInstitute of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, P. J. Safarik University, Park Angelinum 9, 041 54 Košice, Slovakia
bInstitute of Material Science of Madrid, CSIC, 28049 Madrid, Spain
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We have studied temperature dependencies of the switching field in as-cast and nanocrystalline glass-coated Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 microwires. The switching field shows complex temperature dependence in the as-cast state reflecting the complex stress distribution induced during annealing. The temperature dependence of the switching field depends strongly on the stage of nanocrystallization being negative for low temperatures of annealing and positive for annealing at 700 K.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.64
PACS numbers: 75.50.Kj, 75.60.Ej, 75.60.Jk