Effect of the Fixation Patterns on Magnetic Characteristics of Amorphous Glass-Coated Sensoric Microwires |
R. Hudaka, R. Vargab, J. Hudakc, D. Praslickac, J. Blazekc, I. Polaceka, P. Kleinb
aDepartment of Biomedical Engineering and Measurement, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice, Letna 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovakia bDepartment of Condensed Matters Physics, Institute of Physics, Faculty of Science, P. J. Safarik University, Park Angelinum 9, 041 54 Kosice, Slovakia cDepartment of Aviation Technical Studies, Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Kosice, Watsonova 47, 040 01 Kosice, Slovakia |
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Some of the frequent reasons of titanium implant failures in human body are incorrect biomechanical interactions within the tissue-implant interface and inflammatory processes arising around the implant's application area. For both processes, it is crucial to locate them and intervene in time. One of the monitoring possibilities of the mentioned processes is the application of amorphous glass-coated sensoric microwires (AGCSM). Magnetic characteristics of these microwires are influenced by both mechanical tension (magnetoelastic interaction of the magnetic moment with mechanical stress) and by temperature (different coefficient of thermal expansion of the metal core and glass coating). The key task, in order to change the magnetic characteristics of AGCSM from both clinical and scanning point of view, appears to be the fixation pattern of AGCSM in the implant's body. The presented study shows the impact of four types of AGCSM fixation patterns (at one ending, at both endings, in the middle and along the entire length) on the thermal response process tested in laboratory conditions. The obtained results will enable to establish the AGCSM fixation methodology in the implant's body in order to achieve optimal output temperature parameters form: the implant and the tissue-implant interface by magnetic contactless measurements. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.417 PACS numbers: 87.85.G-, 87.85.fk, 85.70.Ay |