Vortex Dynamics in Ferromagnetic Nanoelements Observed by Micro-Hall Probes
T. Ščepka, J. Šoltýs, M. Precner, J. Fedor, J. Tóbik, D. Gregušová, F. Gucmann, R. Kúdela, V. Cambel
Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
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In this work we measure the nucleation and annihilation of magnetic vortices in Pacman-like (PL) micromagnets prepared from Permalloy (Ni81Fe19, Py) at 77 K. Lateral dimensions of explored objects are ≤1 μm with thickness of about 40 nm. The micromagnets are located directly on the high-sensitive micro-Hall probe based on GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure by lift-off process. Experiments show good agreement of the magnetization reversal with the micromagnetic simulation. Other shapes of micromagnets are also considered to obtain more precise picture of the vortex dynamics.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.390
PACS numbers: 81.16.Nd, 75.60.Jk, 74.25.Ha