Specific Heat Study of Superconductivity in Cu0.061TiSe2 |
J. Kačmarčíka, Z. Pribulováa, V. Pal'uchováa, P. Husaníkováb, G. Karapetrovc, V. Komanickýa, P. Samuelya
aCentre of Low Temperature Physics @ Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences & P.J. Šafárik University, Park Angelinum 9, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia bInstitute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 84104 Bratislava, Slovakia cDepartment of Physics, Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA |
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In TiSe2 a charge-density-waves order is continuously suppressed by copper doping and superconductivity appears. We report a calorimetric study performed on the superconducting single crystal of Cu0.061TiSe2 with Tc=2.8 K, measured by the ac technique at low temperatures down to 0.6 K and magnetic fields up to 2 T. Sharp specific heat anomaly at the superconducting transition is found. The temperature dependence of the electronic specific heat and the angular dependence of the critical temperature, measured at a fixed magnetic field, consistently indicate on the existence of a single s-wave superconducting gap with a coupling strength of 2Δ/kBTc=3.6, close to BCS limit. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.322 PACS numbers: 72.80.Ga, 74.25.Bt, 71.45.Lr |