Preparation and Characterization of Basic and Er3+-Doped Glasses in the System Y2O3-Al2O3-ZrO2 |
R. Klementa, B. Hruškaa, V. Hronskýb, D. Olčákb
aVitrum Laugaricio-Joint Glass Centre of the IIC SAS, TnU AD, FChPT STU and RONA, a.s., Študentská 2, SK-911 50 Trenčín, Slovakia bDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice, Park Komenského 2, SK-042 00 Košice, Slovakia |
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The undoped, and Er-doped yttrium aluminozirconate (AYZ) glasses were prepared by flame synthesis in the form: of transparent glass microbeads. The ZrO2 content was in the range between 5 and 20 mol. %. The prepared glass microbeads were characterised by optical microscopy, SEM, XRD, DSC, 27Al MAS NMR, UV-VIS-NIR and fluorescence spectroscopy. The thermal stability of AYZ glasses, expressed in terms of the difference between the glass transition temperature, Tg, and the onset of crystallization, Tx, was not affected by the increasing ZrO2 content. The 27Al MAS NMR spectra of studied glass samples reveal that Al atoms are predominantly 4-coordinated in glasses. The AYZ5 and AYZ10 basic glasses were doped with Er3+ at the level of 1-5 mol. % of Er2O3. The UV-VIS-NIR/fluorescence spectra show characteristic absorptions/emissions, due to the optically active Er3+ ions in the host glasses. The absorption/emission properties of guest ions are not significantly affected by the glass host. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.302 PACS numbers: 42.70.Hj, 42.70.Ce, 78.55.Qr |