The Investigation on the E-J Characteristics and the Role of Nanoparticle Concentration in Weakly Polar Magnetic Fluids
J. Kurimskýa, B. Dolníka, K. Martona, M. Kolcuna, L. Tomčoa, M. Rajňákb, M. Timkob, P. Kopčanskýb
aTechnical University of Košice, Letná 9, 041 54 Košice, Slovakia
bInstitute of Experimental Physics SAS, Watsonova 47, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia
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The paper presents investigation on the magnetic fluids that are stable colloidal suspensions of single-domain magnetic particles in a liquid carrier of dielectrics nature. Studies were made on the electric field vs. current density, e.i. E-J characterization commonly observed in insulating liquids under uniform: low electric or magnetic fields. High performance oil was used as the dielectric carrier. The experiments were carried out at different volume concentrations of magnetite nanoparticles up to 4%.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.246
PACS numbers: 47.65.Cb, 77.22.Jp, 84.37.+q