Repeatability Estimation for Vibration Measurement Results of Power Transformer Core
S. Borucki, A. Cichon, J. Skubis and T. Boczar
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science, Opole University of Technology, Prószkowska 76, 45-758 Opole, Poland
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The subject matter of this paper refers to the diagnostics of a transformer core, based on measurements and analysis of vibroacoustic signals registered during their normal operation. The paper presents results of the research aimed to evaluate the repeatability of vibration measurements for power transformer core. Recording of vibroacoustic signals was performed under laboratory conditions on dry-insulated transformers. The study concerned evaluation of changes in vibroacoustic indicators of the transformer core during operation with a turned and loosened core. Conclusions from the measurement results were drawn on the basis of the parametric test of significance derived from the variance analysis for many means of single classification basing on the Fisher-Snedecor F-distribution.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.125.1299
PACS numbers: 43.40.-r, 43.40.Vn, 43.58.Wc