Formation of Dislocation Structure in LiF Crystals Irradiated with Swift Heavy Ions under Oblique Incidence |
A. Russakova, A. Akilbekov, A. Dauletbekova and M. Baizhumanov
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, 5 Munaitpasov Str., 010008, Kazakhstan |
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The structural modifications of LiF irradiated with swift heavy ions under oblique angles have been investigated using AFM, SEM, chemical etching, nanoindentation and optical absorption spectroscopy. LiF crystals were irradiated under incidence angles of 30 and 70 degrees with 2.2 GeV Au (fluence 5 × 1011 ions cm-2) and 150 MeV Kr ions (fluence 1012-1014 ions cm-2). Structural study on sample cross-sections shows that two damage regions, (1) nanostructured zone and (2) dislocation rich zone, which are typical for irradiations at normal incidence, appear also in samples irradiated under oblique angles. However in the latter case a more complex structure is formed that leads to stronger ion-induced hardening. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.125.1257 PACS numbers: 42.88.+h, 61.80.Jh, 71.20.Dg |