Conduction Mechanism of 4-Aminoantipyrine as a New Organic Semiconductor
I.S. Yahiaa,b
aDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Science, King Khalid University, P.O. Box 9004, Abha, Saudi Arabia
bCenter of Excellence for Advanced Materials Research, King Khalid University, P.O. Box 9004, Abha, Saudi Arabia
Received: September 15, 2012; In final form: January 18, 2013
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X-ray diffraction pattern of 4-amino-anti-pyrine was studied and it is a single phase with a polycrystalline structure. 4-amino-anti-pyrine has hexagonal structure with space group P6/mcc. The electrical properties of 4-amino-anti-pyrine were studied in the temperature range (303-373 K) below the melting point of the studied compound and in the frequency range (100 Hz-100 kHz). The obtained results of dc conductivity showed a positive temperature coefficient at the lower temperatures and a negative temperature coefficient at the higher temperatures. The ac conductivity obeys the power law. Ac conductivity can be reasonably interpreted in terms of overlapping-large polaron tunneling model and the correlated barrier hopping model. 4-amino-anti-pyrine is a good candidate for electronic device due to its electrical conductivity and capacitance.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.125.1167
PACS numbers: 78.40.Me, 78.40.Fy, 72.10.Fk, 77.84.Bw