The Influence of Infrasound Noise from Wind Turbines on EEG Signal Patterns in Humans
C. Kasprzak
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, Department of Mechanics and Vibroacoustics, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow
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The purpose of this paper is to determine the effect of infrasound noise from wind turbines (up to 20 Hz) on the changes in the EEG signal patterns in humans. The experimental study was undertaken to investigate the effect of a 20 minutes long infrasound exposure on humans. The acoustic signal was recorded at a distance of 750 meters from the wind turbine and the frequency components above 20 Hz were then filtered out. Research work undertaken so far to investigate the impacts of wind turbine noise on humans would mostly rely on questionnaire tools and subjective assessment given by respondents. This study focuses on the effects of infrasound noise from wind turbines on variations of EEG signal patterns in an attempt to develop a more objective measure of the infrasound noise impacts. The experimenal study was conducted in a pressure cabin where the EEG procedure was performed. Analysis of the EEG signals reveals the changes between the EEG patterns registered during the three successive stages of the study.The results indicate some changes in EEG signal patterns registered under exposure to wind turbine noise. Moreover, the specific frequency ranges of the EEG signals are found to be altered.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.125.A-20
PACS numbers: 87.50.Y-, 43.28.Dm,