Radiation Protection by the Barite Coated Fabrics via Image Processing Methodology |
F. Akarslana, T. Mollab, İ. Akkurtc, Ş. Kilinçarsland and I.S. Üncüe
aSuleyman Demirel Univ., Engineering Fac., Tekstile Eng. Dept., Isparta, Turkey bSuleyman Demirel Univ., Technical Education Fac., Construction Dept., Isparta, Turkey cSuleyman Demirel Univ., Sience Fac., Physics Dept., Isparta, Turkey dSuleyman Demirel Univ., Engineering Fac., Civil Engineering Dept., Isparta, Turkey eSuleyman Demirel Univ., Technology Fac., Elec. and Electr. Dept., Isparta, Turkey |
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According to developing technology and conditions of modern life, use of radiation is rapidly increased. Unwittingly, our organs and tissues are exposed to radiation continuously. In order to avoid exposure to this radiation, some studies were carried out on protective clothing. In this study, radiation keeping properties of the fabrics coated with barite are examined. Radiation keeping properties were also determined by the method of image processing. After the experiments, it is determined that barite-coated fabrics absorb radiation better than normal fabrics. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.125.316 PACS numbers: 42.88.+h, 28.41.-i |