A Novel Photon Model - Featuring an Internal Dynamics along with an Amplitude of the Oscillating Particle of Light |
T. Yarmana, C. Yesilyurta and M. Arıkb
aOkan University, Istanbul, Turkey bBoğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey |
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We construct a novel model for a single photon, bearing an internal dynamics. In our model, the photon, while travelling with a speed very close to c (the ultimate speed of light in empty space), is considered to oscillate, in its own frame, with its given frequency f. The envelope of the photon's instantaneous maximum amplitude, which we will call from here on straight "amplitude", is assumed to travel with exactly c, which makes that the center of the photon ought to travel with a speed little less than c. It is interesting to add that, in the present approach, the higher the frequency of the photon at hand, the narrower is its amplitude of oscillation. It is further assumed that the photon has a rest mass which we call "kernel", carrying the translational motion of it. This allows us to estimate the rest mass of the given photon, based on adopted initial conditions of the early universe, based on the recent Yarman and Kholmetskii model (resolving, amongst other things, the dark energy quest). One then comes out with the result that all observable photons (i.e. either high energy gamma rays or very low frequency radio waves), travel practically with the same speed, which is virtually c, the measured ultimate speed. A model regarding the internal dynamics in question is further offered. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.125.638 PACS numbers: 03.65.-w, 42.25.-p |