Pattern Recognition Algorithm for Eye Tracker Sensor Video Data Analysis
K. Murawskia and K. Różanowskib

aMilitary University of Technology, Inst. of Teleinformatics and Automatics, S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland,
bMilitary Institute of Aviation Medicine, Aviation Bioengineering Dept., Z. Krasińskiego 54, 01-755 Warsaw, Poland
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The aim of the paper is to discuss research conducted at the Military University of Technology as well as the Military Institute of Aviation Medicine. The essence of the research is to develop a pattern recognition algorithm for the analysis of data received from an eye tracker sensor. Data analysis can be done using computer vision algorithms. In the article the state of the art pattern recognition algorithms were presented. Particular attention was paid to the possibilities and limitations of their use. The main part of the paper is the presentation of the author's pattern recognition algorithm. In the paper we have also shown the results obtained by other techniques of image processing, which are frequently used to determine the position of the pupil of the eye on the image.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.124.509
PACS numbers: 42.30.Sy, 42.30.Va, 07.05.Pj