Laboratory System for Quantum Cascade Lasers Researching
J. Mikołajczyk, W. Pichola, J. Wojtas, M. Mamajek, M. Garlińska, A. Prokopiuk and Z. Bielecki
Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology, S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
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The paper presents a prototype of a driving system designed to laboratory investigations of quantum cascade lasers. Significant requirements of these lasers operation, as well as a construction of the main components of the system were analyzed. During the performed investigations, a tuning range of both current pulses and temperature control operation were determined. Additionally the method of monitoring both current and voltage of the lasers was also described. As a summary, results of laboratory studies of the system with the use of commercial quantum cascade lasers were presented.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.124.505
PACS numbers: 85.60.Bt, 85.60.Jb, 42.55.Px, 42.72.Ai