A New System for Acoustoelectronic Gas Sensors Analysis
K. Jasek, W. Miluski and M. Pasternak
Military University of Technology, S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
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Typical approach to the surface acoustic waves sensors response analysis is based on the use of self-oscillating circuits with surface acoustic wave device working inside positive feedback loop of an amplifier. Such kind of parametric measurement allows to track the center frequency of the sensor changes in particular. The method is widely used mainly due to their relative simplicity. Unfortunately, it has many disadvantages like frequency (phase) instability, sensitivity to unwanted factors, surface acoustic wave substrate mass-load limit etc. A new system to the analysis of surface acoustic wave gas sensors response as well as an exemplary measurement results are described in the paper. The presented system make the first step to the more complex conception realization.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.124.445
PACS numbers: 43.35.Pt, 46.35.+z, 68.35.Ja