Growing Large Size Complex Oxide Single Crystals by Czochralski Technique for Electronic Devices |
I.M. Solskii a, D.Yu. Sugak a, b and M.M. Vakiv a, b
a Scientific Research Company "Carat", 202, Stryjska st., Lviv, 79031, Ukraine b Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, Bandera st., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine |
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This paper is devoted to the use and further development of the single crystal growing technique invented by Professor Jan Czochralski (1885-1953). The possibilities of the Czochralski technique are demonstrated. Further improvements were introduced at the Scientific Research Company "Carat" (Lviv, Ukraine) to grow large size complex oxide single crystals. The paper presents an overview of some single crystals grown with the use of a modified technology. Growth parameters and properties of resulting crystals are summarized to show a high potential of the Czochralski technique as an industrial technology to grow large-size, high quality, and structurally perfect single crystals of complex oxides. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.124.314 PACS numbers: 81.10.-h |