Simulation of Application of FGM Piezoelectric Actuators for Active Reduction of Beam Vibrations
U. Ferdek and M.S. Kozień
Cracow University of Technology, Institute of Applied Mechanics, al. Jana Pawła II 37, 31-864 Kraków, Poland
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In the paper results of simulation of active reduction of vibration of the free-fixed beam by piezoelectic actuators made of functionally graded materials are presented. The aim of simmulation was to estimate sensitivity of the process of reduction. The effect of the level of gradation of material properties and amplitude of the applied voltage on effectiveness of the reduction process was analyzed. The analysis was reduced to the case of excited vibrations of the first mode and was performed by application of the finite element package Ansys.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.123.1044
PACS numbers: 33.15.Mt, 34.50.Ez, 77.22.Gm